Helping to protect people and property across Ohio since 1945.

Columbus Ohio is safe due in part to the services of Hard Fire Suppression Services

The Pieces That Combine to Make Office Fire Protection Systems

Published Date: August 29th, 2016 | Category: Fire Protection

A leader in office fire protection systems in the Akron area, Hard Fire designs, installs, maintains, monitors and repairs a broad range of fire protection and suppression systems for business owners and companies throughout the area. Each and every office fire protection system designed by us being unique, the basic ingredients that compose them all are inherently the same. Take a look at each basic component and its function:

  • Fire Alarm Panel: The brain of your entire fire suppression system, the panel monitors all connected devices, relaying information back and forth between all of the different parts. It also monitors how well the system is functioning as well as its overall output. A fire protection company like Hard Fire, after conducting a full assessment of your site, will be able to recommend the exact fire alarm panel that best meets your building’s office fire protection systems requirements.
  • Initiating Devices: Two primary sorts of initiating devices exist, those being automatic or manual. Automatic devices respond on their own to changes it can detect that are inherent to the existence of a fire, such as heat and smoke. Manual devices require that someone activates them. Think pull and/or “break glass” stations.
  • Primary Power Supply: The main source of power for your office fire protection system, it typically operates via a dedicated branch circuit. The power supply for your office fire protection system is more often than not run by your power company.
  • Secondary Power Supply: The back-up to your primary power supply, this frequently consists of batteries, an emergency generator or some medium of emergency power device. This power supply kicks into use if something happens to the primary power supply to guarantee that your office fire protection systems continue to run if the power is out.
  • Notification Appliances: Audio devices (horn) and/or strobe lights that serve as your indicator that there is a fire and evacuation should commence straightaway.

Professionals like those at Hard Fire know exactly what your building needs to respond to a fire emergency. Hard Fire are experts in office fire protection systems and will get the correct system in place for your office, allowing you to rest easy in full awareness that your property, its occupants and your assets are well protected in the event the worst happens.

Are you interested in learning more about office fire protection systems in Akron? Call us at Hard Fire at 800-848-1301 or 614-882-2990 or you can Contact Us.

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