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Simple Fire Protection Tips

Published Date: July 11th, 2016 | Category: Fire Protection

Today, it is of paramount importance that you ensure the safety of your workplace with regard to the potential outbreak of fire. You have employees, customers and expensive equipment to worry about. Hard Fire Suppression Systems can help you make these concerns less so by designing and installing commercial fire protection systems in Cleveland area businesses. We would like to share a few pointers on how to help keep your workplace safe from a fire.

If your employees use power strips for electronics, stay on top of these items to make sure that they are not overloaded. A power strip overloaded is one that can set the office and the building ablaze. It is thought of as the cause behind and alarming number of commercial building fires. Employees should also be wary of cords and wires that plug into electronics and appliances to make sure that none are damaged, frayed or have fallen into general disrepair. Just replace the damaged cord with a new one, it is as simple as that to prevent a fire.

Advise all workers that the lone place hot food should be prepared is in the designated breakroom/kitchen area. Coffee pots, microwaves and toasters all should only be housed in the area management has assigned to such appliances. Do not use any of these or their like in the office area or in any part of your building that is not a designated food preparation area. Make sure all trash is put into the proper area of your building, like out near a dumpster. Do not allow trash, paper and other materials to gather and clutter hallways and offices.

Along the same line, all smokers should be asked to smoke outside of the building, preferably several feet away from the building, if not farther. That way, if someone does not put out their cigarette completely or if there is a lit ember that blows off, there is less of a chance that it will ignite and start a fire.

Do not allow employees to use space heaters. These items are big-time fire hazards, especially when left unattended for bathroom trips or smoke breaks. Not only that, but space heaters are illegal in many parts, due to the very fire risk they pose.

While commercial fire protection systems will put out or hinder most fires, taking some very simple precautions can eliminate fir in the first place.

Do you need more information about commercial fire protection systems in Cleveland? Call Hard Fire Suppression Systems at 800-848-1301 or 614-882-2990 or you can Contact Us.

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