Helping to protect people and property across Ohio since 1945.

Columbus Ohio is safe due in part to the services of Hard Fire Suppression Services

Industrial Fire Protection Cincinnati

Fire Alarms

Do you have the very best industrial fire protection for your Cincinnati area business? If not, it is time to invest in this essential service. Fire detection is simply not enough to maintain the safety and well-being of your building. At Hard Fire, we specialize in industrial fire protection and fire suppression and can design and install for you a comprehensive system best suited for your unique needs. Whether it is manufacturing, high-rack storage or other form of industry, we can help protect it. In fact, here at Hard Fire, we have been protecting lives and property in industrial businesses for decades and can custom tailor industrial fire protection to meet your unique property and needs.

And after our work is done designing and installing your new fire protection system, our work does not stop there! We can also inspect office fire protection systems on a regular basis to ensure everything is in good working order in case a fire breaks out.

Give us a call and we can discuss your fire protection needs and discuss the fire protection system installation process.

Benefits of Industrial Fire Protection from Hard Fire

Contact us to learn more about our industrial fire protection systems and we will put you on our schedule to make sure all of your questions are answered and needs are met! Hard Fire is your one-stop shop for all of your commercial fire suppression needs. No matter what type of kind of system you require, Hard Fire has got you covered. We have years of experience with a variety of commercial fire suppression systems, including:

  • Halon 1301
  • Inert agent
  • C02
  • NOVEC 1230
  • Water mist
  • Foam
  • And more

Not sure which is best for your business? We can help! Each type of industrial fire protection service comes with its own unique benefits and we are experts on each of them. We have representatives on NFPA standard’s code committees and work closely with fire detection and suppression systems manufacturers.

Interested in learning more about how industrial fire protection can help protect your business? Contact us and we can design, install and service your industrial fire protection system and ensure it works as it should.

Contact Us about Industrial Fire Protection

Are you ready to get some more information about industrial fire protection for your Cincinnati area business? Call Hard Fire at 1-800-848-1301 or 614-882-2990 or you can Contact Us.

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I wanted to let you know that your crews have done a fantastic job at both X locations here in X. We rarely sign off fire alarm installs on...
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